Borrow money on your Stock or Mutual fund holdings

Friday, September 25, 2009

The Time Line and process Here is the time-line and a quick overview of the steps for the completion of the transaction. Submit a Request for Quote. Once we receive your request a Term Sheet is issued. Usually within 24 hours The borrower will be asked to complete a simple 2 page application form. Neither income or credit is not asked. It is simply who they are and where do they want the funds wired to. Conference called is placed between the borrower and Us to answer any questions. Loan Agreement is sent to the borrower to sign. Lender tracks the closing price of the shares for 3 days to obtain an average price. The loan is disbursed based upon the loan-to-value previously agreed upon. Borrower makes Interest Only payments quarterly. Any dividends from the securities is credited to the loan payment and any excess is returned to the borrower in the form of a check. Note: Dividend payments made on behalf of the borrower towards the loan are not taxable. At the end of the loan term the loan is paid off and the same amount of shares are returned to the borrower. The time frame from start to finish may be as little as 5-7 days. Contact Richard for more info: 516 308 2963


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